Did you know that Java was actually named after the Indonesian Java coffee?

Neither did we, but it does make sense if you think about it, doesn’t it? The programmers, in our team at least, are notorious coffee drinkers and outstanding software developers too. 

But just as many coffee flavors exist, there is an equal amount of programmer types and right now we are looking for your type!

About the company:
You should bring over:
Your tasks will be:
Your benefits package will comprise:

“Value - inspired by people”. It has always been our strong conviction that people create progress and move the company forward. By joining us, you will become part of a team constantly supported in its growth journey and a company that truly understands the need for creativity, knowledge, diversity and freedom of expression.


Send your application at msg.cariere@msg.group and let’s have a word about those opportunities that suit you best!


msg Reka Vass

  • Reka Vass
  • Recruitment Business Partner